Art Investment
In this opaque market, it is not just about the numbers: it is knowing how to read the misleading information, and that’s only possible with a deep and overall knowledge of the Art World.
Business Analysis & Passion Assets:
Expert judgment of the market and the product – quantitative and qualitative valuation models
Artist & Gallery Reporting:
What do you have and what do you want? (Asset Allocation)
Quantitative and qualitative Market and Art research: historical analyses and data gathering that will enable proper decisions
Art Portfolio Building & Optimisation:
Strategic asset allocation (SAA)
Real value
Expected returns
Performance reviews
Re-balance of weights
Wealth creation vs Wealth preservation
Integration with existing investment strategies
Exploring Financial Management:
Preparing ways to release capital for liquidity needs, investment proposals or collateral loans.
Art-secured lending (e.g., opportunity cost, philanthropy, art acquisition,...)
Ethical practice (e.g., ‘flipping’, ‘gifting’, commissions, commitment, loyalty,...)
New Art investing contracts (e.g., art indentures, fiduciary duties from galleries, ‘forwards & options’, resale royalties).